Dentist in Handen, Haninge

Tandea i dental care company with professional staff. We are situated inside the center of Haninge (inside the mall, opposite Expresso House). We working with Swedish National Health Insurance. Examples of treatments we perform: Implants (both surgery and prosthetics), Crowns and Bridges, Repairs, Root fillings, braces, teeth whitening, Sports protection (tooth protection) etc. We also perform pediatric dental care, and are happy to see that we can be the entire family’s dental clinic. Welcome to one of Handen’s and Haninge’s most modern dentists!

Read more about us


George Grabecz
George GrabeczKlinikchef och leg. Tandläkare
Utbildning: Tandläkarexamen vid Karolinska Institutet  Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm

Läs mer om George
Natalja Batti
Natalja BattiDental hygienist
Hafsa Taylan
Hafsa TaylanDental nurse
Sunita Chamat
Sunita ChamatDental nurse
Dariia Ostrovska
Dariia OstrovskaDental nurse

Ring för tidsbokning
08-506 621 02


Usual working hours:
Mon-Fri: 7:30-19:30

Kontakta oss

Direktnr: 08-506 621 02
Växelnr: 08-506 621 00

Bankgiro: 100-9117
When paying invoice, please refer to your social security number and invoice number

Adress: Runstensvägen 1 (Haninge centrum),136 46 Haninge